
Our Story

IT Confidence - 20 Years

IT Confidence Timeline

IT Confidence is born!

I started the business with a goal of helping customers to use their technology better. I had a foundation customer that supported me to get out on my own - and they are still a customer today! Like other successful IT businesses I started working out of a spare bedroom at home. In 2004, our eldest daughter was only 8 and our youngest daughter was only 10months, so deciding to start our own business was a massive undertaking!

We become CodeBlue North Shore

By this time I had attracted the attention of CodeBlue and they asked me to come onboard as their North Shore Office. This was a big step as CodeBlue were a larger organisation with very lofty growth goals. I recall by time I joined, they already had 4 other branches across the country. This was a huge exposure for how a larger business was run. I got involved in their branch managers meetings that were held around the country, and was talking business strategy with some very clever business owners, so I was keen to learn from them.

Employed Mark Billson

Took on Mark as a Senior Trusted Advisor.

Employed James Harriman

Took on James as a Trusted Advisor, learning under Mark.

Covid hits New Zealand

Covid hits, and we are all forced to work from home. With no spare rooms at home anymore, I moved into a small teardrop caravan that we have. WFH took a lot to get used to - I'd fought for so long to keep "work" and "home" 2 totally separate places and now I was forced to make them the same place. Business was turned on its head, maybe no more so than for travel companies and the like, with our borders being closed. Our founding customer being a travel company was obviously severely hit by this. I will always remember a conversation that was had around the Codeblue managers meeting about how we could help our customers. The conversation about instantly cancelling our Support contracts was the easiest conversation I've ever had, and its testimony to the people involved and our collective approach to doing business with a long term view of whats best, that this was an option on the table. While we were still providing support to our Travel companies, we were able to remove the ongoing monthly support contract costs - playing our small part in their long term survival - they are still here today!

Prior to Covid we were operating with 2 engineers, a senior and a slightly less senior as well as a part time sales person and me as Account Manager, Sales Manager and Office administrator. Unfortunately we lost our largest customer due to their Covid restructure which in turn lead to our Covid restructure. We were forced to reduce our head count like so many other businesses.

From CodeBlue to Tribe

After recently being acquired by CSG out of Australia, and then Konica Minolta, CodeBlue and IT Confidence were heading on different paths, so I made the decision to leave the CodeBlue family and joined up with some other guys called Tribe - funnily enough these people were all ex CodeBlue'ers who had spun out previously to head in a different direction as well, so it kinda felt like I was just changing families, and renewing existing relationships from the good old days!

IT Confidence Ltd

 We left Tribe and returned to our roots - operating once again as IT Confidence Ltd. A big step and a massive move, but something which was always going to happen. I'd learnt a lot from my time being around successful business owners and was now ready to make the leap and finally be responsible for our own destiny. I owe so much to the people who helped me along the way.

New Services

We made new deals with suppliers that will help us improve our performance and offer better, more proactive services with a focus on enhanced security. These changes will prepare us for the future and help us grow. Stay tuned for exciting news as we work to provide new services that will make our customers more secure and resilient in the digital world.

20 Years!

We Celebrate 20 years in Business!!

Meet the Team

With a combined 40 plus years of experience in the technology industry the team at IT Confidence have a broad range of skills and experiences delivering the best results for our customers

Meet the Team

Ross Fisher

Ross has worked in the IT industry since 1988 and has developed a broad range and depth of IT and business skills through working in various positions, from programming through to IT support and sales roles. Ross has run IT Confidence since 2004.

Ross is a keen runner - aiming to complete the NYC Marathon later in 2022, before turning back into a cyclist.

James Harriman

Cloud Engineer
James has worked in the IT industry for fifteen years. Starting out as a Hardware technician for one of the worlds leading PC manufacturers. Today James is an experienced IT system designer, scoping, designing and deploying full IT environments.

James is passionate about helping our customers achieve their goals and creating great long term relationships with our customers.

Not your typical IT guy - James is an accomplished race/rally car driver and passionate Mountain Biker getting out into forest as much as possible.
James Harriman


Inspired by Greek Mythology we introduce “our story” behind the Modern Work & SLA Packages.
Modern Work Packages


The origin of everything and the very first thing that ever existed. Our entry level starter package.
Hermes White


The messenger to the gods. For clients wanting that added remote access and cloud management


Goddess of reason wisdom and war. For clients who have the wisdom to outsource their IT with Premium Support.

SLA Packages

Zeus White


Greek god who controlled the lightning, thunder, and the sky. You take Control of your IT systems with the ability to flex support requirements as you go.


God of time and ages. Get unlimited service desk with no time caps. Great for customers that like to use a service desk to get problems resolved.


The greatest of all the gods.  Our GREAT all-inclusive SLA. Give customers a predictable monthly IT cost with no surprises.
View Packages and Pricing

Get in Touch

Call Us
09 303 0010

General Enquiries


Delivery Address:
IT Confidence Ltd
32A Poland Rd, Glenfield
Auckland 0627

Postal Address:
IT Confidence Ltd
PO Box 100067, North Shore
Auckland  0745

IT Confidence Contact Form
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