
Reduce Your Cyber Risk

More than half of Kiwi businesses have been targeted by a ransomware attack in the last 12 months.

Security needs to be top of mind for all small to medium business. Knowing the risks your business faces can help you prevent — or recover from — a cyber security incident

Do you know your current security rating?
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Understand your risk and
secure your organisation

IT Confidence has partnered with security experts TRIBE to bring you the Cyber Security Audit.

The Cyber Security Audit is a high level audit, including a formal risk report summarising the audit findings and recommendations.
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About The Cyber Security Audit

At its core the Cyber Security Audit uses the Essential 8 standard from the Australian Cyber Security Centre. The Australian Cyber Security Centre is industry and internationally recognized, we use this rather than 'making up our own' as this approach enables our customers to gain an 'impartial' benchmarked insight into their security.​

Why are we using an Australian standard? What's up with that??

The most widely known international standard is NIST's Cyber framework, which is thousands of pages of Enterprise level security thinking.

New Zealand's own NZISM standard is beyond the scope of most small and medium sized businesses - it is aimed at the large government institutions they regulate.

The Australian Cyber Security Center is specifically aimed at removing the major risks for small and medium sized businesses (96% of NZ businesses fall into this category).​
Australian Cyber Security Centre

What is involved?

The client's current risk profile will first be established through a business survey with the key technology/IT stakeholder. This risk profile (rating) will then inform the analysis of the environment and ultimately guide realistic recommendations as an output of the audit.​

We then focus on 8 areas as stated in the diagram below, with specific requirements under each of these areas receiving a maturity score, priority rating and recommendation.

You will receive a complete audit report that outlines our approach and your scoring, as well as priorities including follow-up items and example solutions.
Essential Security Controls

Service Deliverables

You will meet with the it confidence team who will deliver to you personally, a complete cyber security audit report.
We will outline our approach and your scoring, as well as priorities, follow-up items and example solutions.

Extensive audit of all your systems against both the Essential 8 and IT Confidence's own Cyber Security Foundation Scores - reflected in our Cyber Security Audit Scoring outputs.

Why do I need this?

  • More than half of Kiwi businesses have been targeted by a ransomware attack in the last 12 months.

  • Security needs to be top of mind for all small to medium business.  Knowing the risks your business faces can help you prevent — or recover from — a cyber security incident.

  • Customers are waking up to the importance of security and want to understand 'where are we at'?

  • During 2020 (the first full year of COVID) the IT Security landscape shifted significantly! The Bad Actors are now using far more automation which allows them to economically attack small and medium businesses all over the world.

  • All customers should undergo a security audit on a semi-regular basis just to ensure they understand their current risks.​

  • Liability for Cyber incidents falls completely at the feet of the business Directors, but unless they are asking for an audit do they really know what their security position is.  Business Managers as well as Directors need to be asking for an audit! 

Understand your risk and secure your organisation

Lets Go

Cyber Security Audit
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